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Developing and sharing best practices in the international maritime industry

Strategic Roadmap

South shore canal

Our Mission

Master Mariners of Canada engage our members and maritime community to continuously improve our knowledge and expertise as maritime professionals while mentoring promising mariners as well all advocating for marine safety and cooperation

Our Vision

Recognition as a leading Canadian marine organization, representing the interests of shipmasters and senior deck officers, by providing education, advocacy and advice in an independent and unbiased manner


1. Strengthen our voice within the Canadian maritime industry & capitalize on established recognition to-date

Strategic Capacity Building

2. Develop greater sustainability through growing internal capacity, gaining efficiencies, re-focusing volunteer efforts and building succession planning

Strategic Re-Alignment

3. Actively consider additional areas of organizational growth and revenue sources

Initiatives & Priorities
  • Establish alliances with other professional bodies having a marine focus to build membership and exposure
  • Explore other revenues sources (including grants and programs); consider other professional associations and non-profits and how they attract revenue
  • Review current practices for efficiencies and ensure internal continuity not reliant on one or more key individuals
  • Engage in a visioning exercise on what roles MMC could assume – job board, mentoring, advocating for equality and inclusion in the maritime industry, one-stop resource, networking
Strategic Outcomes
  • Sought-out authority to speak on matters affecting the industry and marine professionals
  • Sustainable organization that exists beyond the volunteer Volunteer efforts are effectively utilized.
  • Recognized resource for providing support and critical information for marine professionals at all stages of their career.
Who We Are

Welcome to the Master Mariners of Canada

MASTER MARINERS OF CANADA is a national, not-for-profit association representing command-qualified master mariners, like-minded seafarers, industry members, and cadets across the country. Our organization takes official positions on important issues to ensure safety and to protect seafarers’ rights wherever they are working. Our work focuses on three main pillars: building awareness, supporting education and upholding advocacy.

Prospective members can choose from six divisions


Our Members

MASTER MARINERS OF CANADA is a network of like-minded professionals sharing their knowledge and experience while acting as a collective voice for the marine industry.

Our members are a geographically, culturally and demographically diverse group.

They serve in command at sea and in management positions ashore in both the private and public sectors.

They are teachers, students, advisors and practitioners-active participants in fostering professionalism, integrity and safety in Canada’s maritime industry.

Our Corporate Members

National Board Members

Captain Eben March – President
Captain Marshall Dunbar – Vice President
Captain John Greenway – Assistant Vice President
Captain Christopher Connor – Past President
Captain Amanda Slade – Treasurer
Captain Cynthia Brown – Secretary
Captain Phil Lind – Membership
Captain John David MacIssac – Education Committee Chair
Captain John Greenway – CMMC Foundation Chair
Captain Marshall Dunbar – Maritimes Division and Views and Position Chair
Captain Jim Parsons – Newfoundland and Labrador Division
Captain Cedric Beaumelle – Laurentian Division

Captain Wade Bauck – Vancouver Division
Captain John Greenway – Great Lakes Division
Captain Dave Dyke – Vancouver Island Division

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